Engagements Emma Miller Engagements Emma Miller

Bidwell Park, Chico CA, Engagement Photographer: Sam + Scott

Sam + Scott

We are so excited to be following this couple and their love story.  Scott is an old high school friend so when I got the email to capture his wedding I couldn’t be more excited.  Scott and Sam are two awesome people that have great personalities and a mutual love for Subaru.


It was because of their Subies and apartment living that Scott and Sam became acquainted.  Their friendship was one that naturally grew stronger and eventually at the right time they would take off the brakes and start dating.  Scott moved to the Bay Area while Sam was still in Chico. Scott would make trips every week to visit Sam.  Unsure of the future of long distance they both took it slow, and with supporting one another’s ambitions and careers they created something magnificent.  Sharing interests and hobbies has made this couples story unique.  I have never met a couple that exchanges car parts for Christmas or celebrates their 2 year anniversary by getting their cars pro-tuned. But it works for them.  Sam grew up wrenching on cars with her dad, She actually rebuilt her beloved WRX Vader.  She’s lifted Vader to take her on more off road adventures.  While Scott’s WRX is built more for street performance. The pair can go most anywhere.  


Their Engagement session was full of laughter, banter, jokes about bacon, and pure fun.  During our session we learned the full story of the proposal from both sides.

            Scott and Sam had their annual trip planned to visit Scott’s family in Arizona.  Scott had ordered Sam’s engagement ring and had anticipated it’s arrival in time for them to leave, however there was a delay and Scott had to have them reroute the ring to his parent’s home in Arizona.  They had a day trip planned to Sedona but Scott’s dad had to miss out to “wait for his medication to be delivered.”  While Sam thought this odd she didn’t quite put the pieces together.  Between covert texts and conversations Sam had an idea something was going on.  She wasn’t really expecting a proposal but Scott and his parents were all a little “off”.  Later in the evening Scott and Sam went on an evening adventure to Mingus Mountain.  They did a little exploring and a little wheeling in her Subie. When they got to the top of the mountain they found themselves enjoying the view of the valley from a hang-glider launch, it was a perfect moment. Full of nerves Scott held Sam’s hands started to tell her how much he loved her and how he wanted her to be in his life and to be a part of his family.  So when Sam saw Scott’s shaky hand starting to reach into his pocket all of the pieces clicked into place.  She made sure to move the both of them away from the cliff side to insure that the ring didn’t find its way on a solo flight of doom.  Sam was thrilled but needed to make sure one thing.  “Did you ask my dad?.”  The couple called Sam’s Dad to make sure they had his blessing and fortunately they did. 


  Sam and Scott enjoy adventures together and just relaxing at home with their cat Slinky.  Their adventures consist of sushi date nights, camping trips, drives, hiking, car shows, and Subie meets.


We cannot wait to celebrate your wedding day with you! Just a few months to go!


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Portraits Emma Miller Portraits Emma Miller

Bidwell Park, Chico CA, Family Photographer: Tim, Megan + Little Carter

When the right people find you in a saturated industry it just makes you feel like you’ve won the lottery. 

There are many amazing photographers in the Butte county area and I was found by Tim’s mom.  Tim and his wife Megan live in Oregon and but they are both from Chico.  For Christmas Tim’s mother bought both he and his sister gift certificates for their family photos.

  Megan and I picked out a date earlier this year and we were fortunate to be met with beautiful weather.  Tim and Megan are so sweet and their little man was a bundle of fun.  For most toddlers the world is for adventure and there’s no telling what will happen in the next five minutes.  Having a toddler at home I am well aware of the independence and how we have to go with their flow and embrace their need for space.  We were able to focus on mom and dad while Carter was playing in the grass.  Eventually I won him over and was able to capture some cute individual images of him too.  

It is always refreshing to watch children experience the world differently than we do.  Carter stopped and watch the ants as they made their way in single file.  He found flowers in different shapes and colors, and watched the waterfall and was fascinated.  As adults forget to embrace or appreciate these everyday occurrences it is fun to watch children bring the adventure back to their parents. 

After exploring the park we started walking back to our cars where Megan and I chatted about kids and patience.  I had to credit my patience to my previous job, where it turns out I had the pleasure of working with her brother for a few years.  It always amazes me on how small the community of Chico and Paradise can be and just how fate finds its way to bringing us all together.  I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to meet and capture this little family.   

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